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editorial director


Promax Offices

5700 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 275
Los Angeles, CA 90036

the industry standard in media and entertainment news

Brief leads the global conversation about the role marketing plays in the monetization of television across media platforms. By providing exclusive information, creative inspiration and unique insight about the global television industry, Brief seeks to clarify and bring perspective to the ever-evolving business of television through the lens of marketing.

Brief is a product of Promax, the global association for those passionately engaged in the marketing of television and video content on all platforms, inspiring creativity, driving innovation and honoring excellence. The association represents more than 10,000 companies and individuals at every major media organization, marketing agency, research company, strategic and creative vendor and technology provider and is considered to be the leading global resource for education, community, creative inspiration and career development in the media and media marketing sectors.


Editorial Director

Cate Lecuyer Marian
Digital Content Producer

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editorial director


Promax Offices

5700 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 275
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Please email all questions to

the industry standard in media and entertainment news

Brief leads the global conversation about the role marketing plays in the monetization of television across media platforms. By providing exclusive information, creative inspiration and unique insight about the global television industry, Brief seeks to clarify and bring perspective to the ever-evolving business of television through the lens of marketing.

Brief is a product of Promax, the global association for those passionately engaged in the marketing of television and video content on all platforms, inspiring creativity, driving innovation and honoring excellence. The association represents more than 10,000 companies and individuals at every major media organization, marketing agency, research company, strategic and creative vendor and technology provider and is considered to be the leading global resource for education, community, creative inspiration and career development in the media and media marketing sectors.

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Please contact:

Stephen Earley
Vice President, Sponsorships

David Tilove
Manager, Strategic Partnerships

Hot Spots FAQ


Email the link to a live and public YouTube or Vimeo video as well as the title of the spot to Daily Brief at

Please include relevant information with your submission, including the show’s premiere date, any special design techniques used in the making of the spot, and whether this is part of an overall rebrand strategy. The more information, the better.

Please also include any appropriate credit information, including client, agency, production company or director. We will make every effort to include credit information where appropriate.


1. Link to a public and live YouTube or Vimeo video

2. Name of the spot

3. Important information for the spot

4. Credits


Any current media marketing promotion or design video content made for broadcast on-air or online. This includes work promoting media including television, digital, radio, etc., across the spectrum of entertainment, news, sports and so on. We also accept special projects and show opens and branding/rebranding packages for consideration. We do not accept company or sizzle reels. Ideally, we run campaigns in line with when they premiere on air or online so the sooner we can receive materials, the better. We generally do not run spots that are several months old.

If possible, please make your spot available to all countries and regions so all Promax members can see your work. If the spot has any non-English dialogue or voiceover, please include English subtitles where possible.


You can submit as many spots for consideration as often as you’d like, but our policy is to run work that began its original run within the last few weeks, and we try not to run work from the same company more than twice a month.


Unfortunately, due to the high volume of submissions received, not all spots will be featured on Daily Brief. Most spots that are chosen by the editors are featured within 2-3 weeks of their submission date. We cannot guarantee if or when your submission will run.


We generally do not notify companies before running their work, but if you have questions you may contact the editorial department at


Please email all questions to

Editorial Policy

The mission of Daily Brief is to serve the overall mission of Promax in the areas of Education, Information, Leadership, Community Engagement and Inspiration by ensuring:

a) Content Excellence: creating, curating and distributing the richest, most relevant and most rewarding content;

b) Activation Excellence: activating this content and this community through the most dynamic and engaging channels, including social media, conferences and podcasts;

c) Connectivity Excellence: Persistently connecting back to Promax and its membership.

Daily Brief is a journalistic organization housed within Promax designed to serve both Promax members as well as the TV industry at large. While Daily Brief is part of Promax, its main mission is to provide information, education, community and inspiration to anyone involved in the television industry and more specifically, entertainment marketing. The content found in Daily Brief is journalistic in nature and does not exist to provide publicity for Promax, Promax members or any entity, although occasionally articles that appear on Daily Brief may serve members’ or others’ promotional interests.

Daily Brief adheres to journalistic standards. That means its primary goals are fairness, accuracy, integrity and truth. Daily Brief’s reporters, writers and editors are tasked with presenting all sides of a story, as well as quoting sources with precision.

To that end, Daily Brief’s reporters, writers and editors may agree to share on-the-record quotes with interviewees and sources prior to publication. Quotes may be “cleaned up” prior to publication, with “ums” removed or extraneous words deleted, but all quotes must be presented as close to the original as possible, with the speaker’s intent and context fully preserved.

While on-the-record quotes may be shared ahead of publication for approval, it is not Daily Brief’s policy to share entire stories with subjects prior to publication. This is standard journalistic practice so as to avoid giving control over the reporting, writing and presentation to the other entity, as well as to avoid having any conflict of interest.

Incorrect facts — no matter how small — can and should be corrected as soon as possible. If a fact isn’t entirely wrong, but is under question or is subjective in nature, it may also be noted in a correction. Daily Brief’s small team checks its own facts. That said, Daily Brief’s reporters, writers and editors are not expected and are not obligated to make changes to subjective phrases, such as descriptions, for subjective reasons or objections.

It is not Daily Brief’s objective to present any company or entity — whether Promax member or not — in a favorable or an unfavorable light. It is Daily Brief’s mission to cover the business of TV media marketing, with fairness, truth, accuracy and integrity. As a result, one entity’s positive phrasing may be another’s negative phrasing, with a constant aim on keeping the story fair, accurate and truthful.

Stylistically, Daily Brief refers to the AP Stylebook.

Submissions to Hot Spots are guided by an FAQ. Both Hot Spots and The Work selections are chosen by Daily Brief’s editorial team from submissions as well as their own searches. Selections are subject to Daily Brief’s editorial process.

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