Discovery Channel’s Shark Week feeding frenzy has begun and brands are lining up to get a bite of the action. Heavyweights from Tide to Doritos have kept busy finding fun ways to snatch up the social media chatter surrounding the event and spin it their way across every major platform. It’s fun to see the creativity on display, but also informative for marketers looking for new ways to capitalize on a tent pole event’s momentum across the different social networks.

PBS’ “NOVA,” for instance, has been tweeting about Shark Week, cleverly tying it into PBS’ own shark-related programming.

Meanwhile, using Twitter’s video service, Vine, Tide dropped a promoted tweet to share this humorous little video riffing on sharks’ thirst for blood.

Grooveshark is, of course, obliged to respond to Shark Week in some way, and the online music streaming service rose to the occasion on Facebook, encouraging followers to submit their own shark-related photos and rewarding the best one with great prizes.

Shark Week official sponsor Volkswagen took to Instagram for a series of related videos featuring its Beetle Convertible.

In light of its Hurricane Week, which neatly runs parallel to Shark Week, Weather Channel has been airing shark versus hurricane spots on its own air and on YouTube.

And of course, the social sharing frenzy started with Discovery’s own, infamous Snuffy the Seal spot, which found 1.7 million viewers through the Discovery website and trended for hours after its debut back in June.


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