Josh Mandel has been named global chief executive officer of creative agency The Mil, which has offices in Los Angeles, London, New York, Chicago, Bangladore and Berlin.

Mandel takes over for acting CEO David Patton, who will continue to serve as global president of creative experience and advertising at The Mill’s parent company Technicolor. In that role, Patton will lead the creative production studios at MPC Advertising, The Mill and Mikros.

“This is a critical step up for Josh in recognition of the great strategic work he has done with The Mill since his arrival,” said Patton, to whom Mandel reports, in a statement. “I believe he is perfectly placed to build the business for even greater success in the future. Having held a number of senior positions at widely respected companies, he’s a strong strategist and has a good grasp of how the creative industry is evolving and the opportunities being created for The Mill. Most importantly I believe he will prove to a strong, dependable, commercial, and critically creative leader.”

The Mill is expanding its capabilities in creative marketing, production, experiential and visual effects as it evolves from post-production studio to full-service creative studio. Mandel will be responsible for overseeing all of that across each of the agency’s offices.

“Since joining The Mill I have had the great pleasure of working with highly acclaimed talent, doing extraordinary work for the world’s best agencies and brands. People join The Mill to do the work that defines their careers – and I want to continue that legacy,” said Mandel, also in a statement. “I hope we can continue to grow into new regions and explore new creative capabilities, working with partners who want to push the boundaries of what is possible within production and brand experiences.”

Mandel joined The Mill in Los Angeles in 2019 as managing director/president. Prior to that, he held senior leadership roles at Nike, Wieden+Kennedy, R/GA, 72&Sunny and 180 Amsterdam.

Tags: career moves josh mandel the mill

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