Leading up to PromaxBDA’s big international conference, we are taking a look at the speakers, sessions and panels that make the event memorable. Lara Richardson SVP of marketing at Discovery Channel, speaks about her upcoming session, her career and her advice to industry up-and-comers. Don’t miss Richardson’s session at this year’s conference: “Horror Stories: Nightmare Campaigns and How They Were Turned Around.”

Name: Lara Richardson

Title: SVP, Marketing, Discovery Channel

Can you summarize your session in 5 words? Promos gone bad tell-all

What other speaker are you most interested in seeing at PromaxBDA: The Conference this year? There’s some really good ones this year. Larry Flynt is gonna be cool.

How do you watch television content? Before my daughter, I loved sitting on my couch watching my big screen. Things are a little busier now, so I have to watch when and how I can. I do lots of DVRing and catching up on an iPad while traveling.

What is your greatest career achievement so far? I don’t think I’ve achieved it yet. If I had to name something, I would say my Katrina documentary that aired on TLC. A passion project that I didn’t think would go anywhere ended up in primetime. That was pretty cool.

What do you think is the most important trait of a leader? Have your team’s back. It is amazing how many leaders don’t go to the mat for their team. You earn a tremendous amount of respect and loyalty from those who work with you when you back them. Standing up for their ideas and not wavering in difficult moments, helps creatives flourish.

What one piece of advice would you give to an up-and-comer in this industry? Work your ass off. This business is not for lazy people. You can always tell those who are going to go far. They are willing to do whatever is asked PLUS more. Work hard. It does pay off and others notice your efforts.

How did you get your start in this industry? My first official paying job in TV was for “America’s Funniest People.” I spent the summer inside Texas malls hearing from Americans who thought they were SO funny. Originally I was hired as a PA until the boom operator quit. I had never done any audio work but I told them I had. I had the buffest arms of my life that summer.

And for more information for PromaxBDA: The Conference, June 18-20 in Los Angeles, check back at promaxbda.org. Speakers and sessions are being constantly updated.


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