In this four-part documentary series, Apple TV Plus follows the world’s top living athlete, Argentina’s Lionel Messi, on his journey to leading Team Argentina to winning the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. Messi’s World Cup: The Rise of a Legend provides an intimate and unprecedented look at soccer’s best player on his way to achieving his ultimate goal after five World Cup appearances.
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Besides personal interviews with Messi himself, the series also features conversations with teammates, coaches, competitors, devout fans and commentators. The series tracks Messi through his first match with the Argentina national football team, through his early retirement in 2016, and his comeback to become a FIFA World Cup champion and crowned the 2022 tournament’s best player.
Messi’s World Cup: The Rise of a Legend is executive produced by Emmy-winner Tim Pastore (Free Solo, Jane), Emmy and Tony winners Patrick Milling Smith and Brian Carmody, and Emmy winner Matt Renner (Free Solo, Limitless with Chris Hemsworth) of Smuggler Entertainment, alongside Jenna Millman (The Dropout, Tiger) and Juan Camilo Cruz (City of Ghosts, In Her Hands). The series is produced for Apple by Smuggler Entertainment in association with Pegsa.
This season, fans in more than 100 countries and regions can watch Messi take the pitch with Inter Miami CF on MLS Season Pass, the subscription service from Apple and Major League Soccer.
Messi’s World Cup: The Rise of a Legend premieres on Apple TV Plus on Wednesday, February 21.