Tide, entering its second season as an official partner of all 32 NFL teams, is launching a Twitter campaign in which one player from each roster will “represent and defend” the colors of their respective uniforms.

The “Tide Color Captains” campaign will see players including Drew Brees, Ray Rice, Reggie Bush, Fred Jackson and DeMarcus Ward share via Twitter “real-time personal pictures capturing the moments of color celebration that truly motivate them.”

According to Tide, the photos can be taken at a game, on the drive to practice, at a local community event or “anywhere where fans are proudly displaying team colors.”

Tide said it would work with select NFL teams after each game to determine the image that best represents their respective colors, and then post those images on each team’s Facebook page..

Fans are being encouraged to support the “Tide Color Captain” effort on Twitter via @TideNFL and #ourcolors. Fans can also follow the 32 athletes participating in the campaign through each player’s Twitter handle. Tide, select NFL teams and all the players involved will support the effort via social media.

Tide, a division of NFL marketing partner Procter & Gamble, is the only brand other than PepsiCo’s Gatorade to have an official partnership with the NFL and separate marketing alliances with each of the NFL’s 32 teams.

“NFL fans understand that team colors aren’t just colors – they mean so much more,” Sundar Raman, marketing director of North America Fabric Care for P&G, said in a statement. “Throughout the NFL season fans don their team colors and fill stadiums, parking lots, restaurants and homes to cheer on their favorite teams and players. This season Tide is recognizing that passion for their colors by rallying players to recognize these moments and celebrate them with their fans.”

The full list of NFL Color Captain’s and their Twitter handles can be found here.


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