​FX’s new summer thriller “The Strain” has definitely gotten people talking on social media… about how disgusting their billboards are. The cable network’s marketing department was probably going for the Shock & Eww factor to begin with—this is a series about a virus that leads to an outbreak of vampirism, after all—but they may be surprised by the scale of the recoil, especially from parents.

The art on the billboard depicts a worm coming out of an eyeball being examined by a gloved hand. The wide shot is up top, but why not take a closer look?

Photo: FX Networks
Photo: FX Networks

Yup. Not the easiest image to take in. But pretty adventurous.

Twitter users, however, seem to disagree:


And that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

In case you’re wondering about the rest of the campaign, check out Brief’s previous coverage of their spots and activations:

UPDATE: Looks like FX is pulling some of the offending billboards.


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