​“The Killing” has been renewed, then canceled, then un-canceled, and finally adopted by Netflix for its fourth and final season. It is set to debut Aug. 1, so leading up to its new streaming debut, the show has launched an Instagram campaign that lets loyal fans in on some of the behind-the-scenes action.

“The Killing” already has an Instagram account, launched in March, that has been posting photos on a daily basis for the last month or so, whether they are shots of the show’s stars or more ominous messages pointing to the anticipated premiere date.

More recently, the show launched a more specific Instagram account called “The Killing Tour,” which offers fans a sort of “choose your own adventure.” The main page of the Instagram account, below, encourages users to choose one of the squares in order to take a tour of one of the season’s locations: Stansbury house or a tour of St. George’s Military Academy.

The Killing Tour
The Killing Tour

Once a location is chosen, the user is taken to an entirely separate Instagram account where there are more options - in the case of the Military Academy, for example, they can meet the characters or tour a classroom. Each choice brings a set of new options by tapping the screen, setting in motion a social scavenger hunt.

Some choices lead to photos with quotes from the new season, others to videos to introduce new characters, such as Cadet Lincoln Knopf:

Read more at Lost Remote.

Brief Take: The use of Instagram is natural for “The Killing,” a show with such a loyal online following that it’s getting a re-launch on Netflix after the series’ ups and downs on cable TV.

[Image courtesy of “The Killing”]


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