The Simpsons have turned Halloween into an annual event, using the opportunity to parody various horror and pop culture tropes. This year, the Simpsons creators turned the couch gag (above) over to Ren & Stimpy creator John Kricfalusi, who does an admirable job bringing the scary and the gross.
Last year, Master of Horror Guillermo del Toro took his turn, riffing on his own Pan’s Labyrinth for the open.
In Treehouse of Horror XIV, the family has a hard time getting along, with Marge begging them: “Will everyone please stop fighting and burning?”
In Treehouse of Horror V, The Simpsons riffed on Stephen King’s The Shining with Homer losing his mind Jack Nicklaus-style after Mr. Burns takes away his TV and beer.
And going way way back, Treehouse of Horror II, which was then simply called “The Simpsons’ Halloween Special,” hits on some themes that still resonate today. Back then, Marge used to first come on stage, exhorting everyone to keep their kids away from the screen even though she knew no one would listen to her.