1. Conference Kick Off

Play along with Scott Rogowsky, host of HQ Trivia, as he opens the PromaxBDA Conference, then moderates a session with Dawn Ostroff, President, Condé Nast Entertainment, who will talk about her strategy for turning the magazine’s intellectual property into a digital powerhouse targeted toward millennials.
RELATED: Conference 2018: How Dawn Ostroff Drives CNE’s Digital Video Strategy
2. Actress Laura Dern, ‘Me Too’ Founder Tarana Burke Take the Stage

Big Little Lies’ Laura Dern and Tarana Burke, founder of the Me Too movement, have teamed up to take on female empowerment, gender equality and balance the delicate scales of work, life and family. This session follows Dern’s galvanizing Golden Globe acceptance speech urging “restorative justice” in response to abuse and bullying in the entertainment industry and beyond.
RELATED: ‘Big Little Lies’’ Laura Dern to Headline 2018 PromaxBDA Conference
3. Stefan Sagmeister Explains Why Beauty Matters

“Everything that is beautiful works much better,” says Stefan Sagmeister, a two-time Grammy winner, TED speaker, internationally acclaimed graphic designer and PromaxBDA board co-chair. While beauty is a concept the contemporary art world seems to have turned its back to, beauty has the power to change what we feel and how we behave. And Sagmeister explains why that is.
RELATED: Conference 2018: Stefan Sagmeister on Beauty
4. Industry Close-Ups
Ad Age Media Reporter Jeanine Poggi hosts Q&As with two top digital marketers: YouTube’s Angela Courtin and Amazon’s Mike Benson. Both top executives offer their insights into the trends shaping both traditional and streaming television on Tuesday afternoon.

5. Opening Night Party

Networking is best done beneath soaring granite arches in a designated New York landmark—if we do say so ourselves. Finish up the first day by celebrating at PromaxBDA’s Opening Night Party on June 12 from 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. at the architectural masterpiece that is Gustavino’s.