It was a big week for us here at Brief: we released the third issue of our quarterly e-magazine, Best of Brief.
We’ll hope you’ll check it out, but just to make things a little easier for you, here are two of the stories from the issue:
Nile Rodgers: Still So Chic It Hurts

David Mack: The God Who Created Kabuki, Echo and Those Sumptuous ‘Jessica Jones’ Main Titles

But we had other stuff going on too besides Best of Brief. Our favorite Q&A guy, Andy Greene, had a long chat with Bradley James of A&E’s Damien, wandering a little afield from discussing playing the Devil to football.
Take Five: Bradley James Discusses Playing the Devil’s Spawn in A&E’s ‘Damien’

HBO’s Game of Thrones is about six weeks out from premiering season six so trailers full of new footage are starting to appear. As you can imagine, all those tiny scenes spliced together led to long fan theories as to what’s going to happen next, especially now that the show is telling the story beyond the books.
Latest ‘Game of Thrones’ Trailer Sends Fan Theories Flying

Speaking of HBO, the premium cable network seems to have its own fight for the throne going on with Netflix planning to invest some $6 billion in original content.
HBO to Chase Netflix in Global Content Race

Finally, the week was full of great Hot Spots, so we leave you with two:
France 5 Civilsations (which, being Americans, we can’t decide how to spell)
And yet another gorgeous main title sequence from Elastic for AMC’s upcoming The Night Manager.
PromaxBDA holds its annual PromaxBDA Europe conference next week in Barcelona, Spain, so look for coverage here on Brief and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for updates.