An article in Marketing today makes the case for marketers hiring members of Generation Y—those born between 1980 and 1994. Not that the workforce has much of a choice. Sometimes referred to as generation “me,” Y is turning out to be the largest generation ever. They also happen to be the savviest when it comes to technology, and exceedingly well-connected thanks to growing up immersed in social media. Some view Y as entitled, even coddled, but Marketing interprets these traits as confidence and optimism about the future. Generation Y also understands emerging technologies and state-of-the-art products better than anyone, and so are an invaluable resource for marketers seeking to better target their brands’ audiences.
Employers should embrace the prospect of nurturing these bright, motivated youngsters, the article argues, through paid internships and structured work experience programs. Though ready and willing to work with great commitment and stamina, Y has also been hit the hardest by the recession, and many of its workers have missed out on the skills needed to fully maximize their potential. Marketers should strive to nurture these skills, and fully transition a generation poised to revolutionize the industry.
Read more about it at Marketing.