‘Wheel of Fortune” is launching a new on-air and online promotion this week with juice brand V8.

“Always Great! Wheel and V8 Week” begins an 8-week sponsorship of the game show’s bonus round by V8. Prizes from the wheel from V8 will include a $7,500 cash wedge and a $1,000 cash gift tag. Hosts Pat Sajak and Vanna White will also offer V8 facts and trivia to the studio audience.

Viewers can enter a special V8-sponsored sweepstakes during the launch week by watching for the on-air V8 puzzle and then entering for a chance to win at the wheeloffortune.com website. Each puzzle will contain at least one eight letter word with the letter V in it, and eight winners will be selected at random each night.

“Wheel” is produced by Sony Pictures Television and distributed by CBS Television Distribution.


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