HBO’s futuristic thriller Westworld returned Sunday night after two years off the air, and episode one felt like an entire series reboot. So, too, did Patrick Clair’s and Antibody’s now iconic main titles.

Each season’s opening sequence has had similarities and differences woven throughout. For example, in season one, the opening titles featured a horse. In season two, that horse became a rampaging bison. And in season three, it’s an eagle, perhaps soaring, like Icarus, too close to the sun.

Much like the setting and the feel of the show itself, many other elements changed in the season-three opening credits, including the addition of the giant machine that apparently creates thoughts, or strategies, that Delores (Evan Rachel Wood) encounters in the first episode.

Compare season one and two’s main-title sequences below:

Season 1


Season 2

Client: HBO/Kilter Films

Production Studio: Antibody

Creative Director: Patrick Clair

Lead Animator and Compositor: Raoul Marks

Animator: Kyle Moore

3D Modeller: Jessica Hurst

Storyboard Artist: Lance Slaton

Executive Producer: Carol Salek

Managing Partner: Bridget Walsh

Neural Networks: AI Fiction, Dr. Pinar Yanardag Delul, Omer Kirbiyik, Enis Simsar

Composer: Ramin Djawadi

Tags: hbo hot spots main titles patrick clair westworld

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