​Following The CW‘s quick completion of its upfront sales on Wednesday, the other broadcast networks promptly responded by… making very little headway with advertisers.

Ad Age ponders the situation today, offering up several possible reasons for the quagmire:

-Media buyers claim there is less money in the marketplace from industries such as movie studios and autos.

-Clients may be holding back dollars to spends later in the scatter market, when they can snag ad time closer to actual air dates.

-Clients are shifting their dollars to lower-rated ad buys in the digital, movie and cable spaces.

-With less inventory to sell from lowered ratings, networks are raising prices.

Read more about The CW‘s upfront plans at Ad Age.

Brief Take:After a promising scatter market and positive outlook, this drag in negotiations over the last week is somewhat surprising, though broadcast upfronts should still wrap by the middle to end of this week.


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