To help its customers better understand non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Troika Media Group, through its digital assets subsidiary Troika IO, has launched iOS native mobile app NFT 360.
The app is intended to serve as a resource to inform users about NFTs, cryptocurrency and other emerging digital assets as well as how Troika IO can help position brands to create new revenue streams using these technologies.
“The first step of any crypto transformation we perform with clients is always education. NFT 360 is the first of many resources and apps in the pipeline that will help introduce global brands to crypto-currency and NFTs,” said Kyle Hill, president and head of digital assets at Troika IO, in a statement. Hill joined Troika Media Group after it acquired his peer-to-peer Bitcoin marketplace, Redeeem, earlier this year. Hill and others contribute to a blog about NFTs and crypto on Troika’s website.
Troika IO already is partnering with brands to create bespoke NFT experiences. The company late last month announced a partnership with, whose ecommerce platform allows brands to create custom storefronts and gamified purchase experiences for their NFT inventory without writing code.
Tags: nfts troika io troika media group