Last month, Daily Brief’s top hot spots uncovered the magic behind movies, cleverly placed advertisements, and challenges animals face while surviving in the world’s most extreme environments.

Check out February’s most-watched spots:

5. ‘There’s Not Just One Way to be Black’ in BET’s ‘Boomerang’

The photogenic cast of BET’s Boomerang is highlighted through four brief spots created by NuContext. Each spot presents concepts like “there’s not just one way to be black” and “being young, gifted, and black is cool…but exhausting.”

4. Greece’s Cosmote TV Takes A Breath Before 2019 Oscars

Cosmote Cinema Oscars HD, a channel entirely dedicated to the Oscars, aired award-winning and nominated movies ahead of this year’s ceremony. In preparation, Cosmote TV assembled this promo full of key movie moments and the world’s favorite actors.

3. Paramount Channel Reveals the Magic Behind the Movies

Paramount Channel’s campaign, which aired in Hungary, Poland and Romania, reveals what truly happens behind the scenes of some of your favorite movie sets. Production took place in Budapest with an assist from locally-based Melvin Productions.

2. Survival’s Not Easy on Nat Geo’s ‘Hostile Planet’

In National Geographic’s Hostile Planet, viewers are taken to the world’s most extreme environments to see how animals who make these places their homes survive. The spot, created by Concept Arts, shows that it’s not easy but these native animals are specially equipped.

1. Ads, Like Spies, Are Not What They Seem in ‘Whiskey Cavalier’ Spots

ABC’s clever promos for its new series, Whiskey Cavalier, shows what happens when love and romance intersect with the dangerous lives of two spies.The campaign was conceived and shot by advertising agency Deutsch in collaboration with ABC Entertainment Marketing.

Tags: abc bet boomerang cosmote hostile planet hot spots nat geo national geographic channel oscars 2019 paramount channel whiskey cavalier

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