As The CW preps to launch its new fall season, the network also rolled out a new initiative — #CWOPENTOALL — which will air across linear, digital, social and print platforms. The campaign’s intent is to reinforce the network’s commitment to inclusion and representation, said Mark Pedowitz, president of The CW Network, at the network’s fall launch event on the Warner Bros. lot on Sunday.

“We think this campaign really captures the spirit and mission of The CW and why our fans come to us,” said Pedowitz in a statement. “We are committed to making sure our viewers see themselves represented on screen, and that we also have diverse voices being heard behind the camera. In fact, 12 of our 17 series this season are created by or executive produced by women or people of color. We are proud of the strides we’ve made and are continuing to make, and #CWOpenToAll reflects that, and helps drive the message that we want to be known as a place where all are welcome to be, and all are welcome to watch.”

The video (above) features a wide array of CW stars proclaiming the campaign’s tagline: The CW is Open to All. Print ads appeared Monday in major-market newspapers and industry trades.

The CW has put its money where its mouth is when it comes to diversity and inclusivity initiatives: More than 60 percent of the network’s showrunners and executive producers are women or people of color, up from 53 percent from last TV season, according to The Hollywood Reporter. On-screen, nearly half of the network’s series regulars are women and/or people of color and later this season, the CW will feature the first transgender superhero when Nicole Maines takes on the role of Dreamer on Supergirl.

READ MORE: The Hollywood Reporter

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