​ If you’re having a hard time reaching friends or loved ones this weekend, there’s a good chance that Frank Underwood has something to do with it.

Don’t worry: no one is getting thrown in front of a subway train.

But with season three of Netflix’s hit political drama House of Cards going live on Friday, lots of folks will be glued to their favorite screen this weekend so they can binge on all 13 episodes before Monday comes calling.

To get everyone ready for the coming binge, we’re throwing it all the way back to 2012 this #tbt to look at how Netflix first promoted the program that signaled their arrival as players in the original series game.

Barely a week after Barack Obama’s re-election victory in November 2012, Netflix capitalized on growing buzz about the inaugural festivities and released their first trailer for House of Cards. It opens, fittingly, with a presidential inauguration.

The use of CNN’s actual on-air graphics package at a time when the inauguration was in the news caused many viewers to do a double-take—and keep watching the trailer. From the opening scene of the first trailer, viewers were also introduced to Frank Underwood’s habit of breaking the fourth wall to share gossip or life lessons.

To additional trailers were released in January 2013 ahead of the February launch. “Lift The Veil” emphasized the series’ Beltway intrigue and Machiavellian machinations, while “Pain” used a Frank Underwood voiceover to established him as cold, calculating, and ruthless in viewers’ eyes.

With a successful first season in their pocket, Netflix got a bit more creative with the second season campaign, and branched out beyond trailers and episodic footage.

They kicked things off right after New Year’s Day with a teaser trailer that didn’t reveal much of anything—except Claire Underwood smoking a cigarette.

Netflix was keeping their cards very close to their chest as they ramped up for a Valentine’s Day premiere date for season two.

After getting everyone talking about what they heck the smoking teaser might mean for season two, Netflix dropped the first true trailer—and packed it with plenty of action. Just like the year before, viewers are also treated to a Frank Underwood voiceover on pain and his belief in taking ruthless, efficient action.

Netflix gave fans an early Valentine’s Day gift in the form of a third promo released in the final hours before of the season premiere.

The spot featured a rapid montage of upcoming scenes punctuated by a closing shot of Frank Underwood looking right at the viewer as he says “welcome back.”


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