​Before there was Sharknado Week, and Shart Week, and Snark Week (both versions), the world, of course, had Shark Week.

What began in 1987 as a way for Discovery to promote their Shark-themed programming has evolved into arguably the most copied marketing campaign in the television industry.

And while last year’s “Snuffy the Seal” will probably go down in the annals of Shark Week as one of the most memorable spots ever from the campaign, we at Brief thought we’d take a walk through a few other notable promos from Shark Weeks past. What remains true is that sharks’ teeth are always sharp, and there are always a lot of them.

Shark Week 2003

Shark Week 2007 - Teeth

Shark Week 2008 - Lifeguard

Shark Week 2010 - Just Friends

Shark Week 2010 - Heavy Lifting

Shark Week 2014 premieres on Discovery on August 10.


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