On April 4, at Simulmedia in New York, PromaxBDA’s latest Emerging Media Workshop informed and enlightened a packed house with speakers from Guide, X1 and Frank N. Magid Associates. Following each presentation, members could use their mobile devices to ask questions, and many took advantage.

Below, we present the first part of questions from the Frank N. Magid Associates presentation, and the company’s corresponding answers.

Frank N. Magid Associates is a research-based strategic consulting firm that helps clients become profitable by solving problems and helping them take advantage of opportunities.

Questions for Frank N. Magid Associates

Answered by: Natalie Clayton, Director of Strategy Consulting

Did you do any particular research around Netflix’s “House of Cards” and binge viewing? Is there a particular demo set that is most likely to binge view?

Magid has explored binge viewing in-depth – here are some key findings from our consumer research:

*Though most Americans of all ages exhibit binge viewing tendencies, millennial men (ages 16-35) are the most prolific bingers of content. Nearly 75% of adult millennial men say they tend to consume a lot at once when they consume movies, TV shows, music, video games or social content.

*Deep engagement with the content is the ultimate driver to bingeing, particularly for TV content. Binge-viewing (watching three or more episodes of a TV program in one sitting) is an enjoyable experience that fulfills several different audience desires:

  • -Bingeing allows viewers to connect with and fully understand the story. This is particularly true in dramas. As serial drama storylines become increasingly complex, bingeing makes it easier for the viewer to connect all the dots right away.

  • -Bingeing fuels passion for the show. When viewers find a show they really love, they want more of it because they love it so much and they love it even more when they consume a lot of it.

  • -Bingeing provides instant gratification. Viewers can find out what happens next right away. We frequently hear of instances where they delay gratification so they don’t have to delay gratification—meaning they may wait for an entire season to be released so they can devour it in one weekend.

  • -Bingeing creates a movie-like experience. Bingeing enables TV programming to fulfill both needs states—a little time or a lot of time. Viewers often describe the experience of seeing their favorite TV characters and stories in a continuous arc as a movie, another familiar and popular content type.

*Netflix’s recent release of all 13 episodes of season one of “House of Cardshas turned nationwide attention to binge-viewing behaviors (see articles in “LA Times and “New York Times”). Magid sees bingeing as a much wider phenomenon, especially as evidenced by the millennial tendencies to binge on all types of content.

With the predicted rise of the connected TV, which device(s) do you see decreasing in use over the next few years?

In terms of device use, connected TV is driving – not cannibalizing – the use of other media devices. Connected TV use is increasing overall TV consumption, and the use of most all connected TV devices (with the exception of laptops), including game consoles, media streaming devices (i.e. Apple TV), and Blu-ray devices. Streaming on TV sets will have the most negative impact on DVD rentals and sales. It will be interesting to see how the use of connected TV devices changes (if at all) as smart TV penetration increases. On a side note, we do see that tablet adoption is decreasing the use of several devices, including laptops, e-readers and handheld gaming devices.

The bigger question is – how is all of this increased streaming impacting traditional TV appointment viewing?

The answer will be addressed in the second installment of Magid’s answers to member questions, available tomorrow…


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