As Fox’s The Simpsons nears the start of its 31st season on air— making it easily the longest-running comedy ever to air on television—the writers and producers of Fox’s animated hit prove they’ve still got it.

The above piece parodies President Donald Trump and his ongoing feud with the four freshmen Congresswomen known as The Squad: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

The spot starts out with Trump in his office, looking for a distraction from “so many problems, tariffs.” That leads him quickly to focus on The Squad.

Singing to the tune of “America,” he sings: “They shouldn’t be in America / No one but me in America / No taxes for me in America / This is my natural hair-ica.”

The Squad shows up and takes it from there.

The spot ends with the 20 or so Democratic candidates (“oh no, it’s the Democratic candidates,” Simpsons Trump says, kind of echoing how we all feel) doing the can-can, into which they whisk up a wary Trump.

​READ MORE: Deadline, Vanity Fair

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