Things have not always been easy for DeMarcus “Boogie” Cousins, the four-time NBA All-Star who was drafted by the Golden State Warriors last year as a free agent.
The move earned Cousins even more haters, as he went to a team that was already stocked with all-star players, including Steph Curry and Kevin Durant.
“I had haters before, I just got more now,” he says in the above spot. “Do I care? No.”
Before he even got a chance to really debut with the NBA Championship team, he blew his Achilles tendon and spent most of 2018 going through a grueling recovery process. He finally made his debut in January 2019, and appears to be working his way back.
“You’ve gotta got through a storm to find some sunshine,” he says.
And there’s more to the eight-year NBA vet than physical prowess on the boards. He’s been called a “head case,” but he spends time volunteering with kids and works hard off the court.
“My satisfaction comes from helping as many people as I can,” Cousins says.
The Resurgence: DeMarcus Cousins premieres Saturday, April 13 at 8/7 p.m. on Showtime.
SVP: Erik Friedman
Creative Director: Jason Mammen
Producer: Andrew Rizzi
Editor: Casey O’Donnell
Sound: Engineer Bill Lacey
Art Director: Rudy Jaimes
Line Producer: Lorraine O’Connor
Project Manager: Tara Canelos
Tags: demarcus cousins golden state warriors hot spots nba showtime the resurgence