Flowing red silk represents many different themes in Elastic’s dramatic main-title sequence for HBO and Sky’s new four-part limited series, Catherine the Great.

It’s the blood spilled by the empress’ many wars, the seas her armies crossed, the red of Mother Russia and the color of Catherine’s power as it sweeps across the land.

Helen Mirren stars in and executive produces this four-episode series that tells the story of the iconic empress who turned Russia into a great global power and the man who stood by her side, military leader Grigory Potemkin (Jason Clarke).

Catherine the Great is directed by Philip Martin and written by Nigel Williams. It’s executive produced by Helen Mirren, Philip Martin and David Thompson for Origin Pictures and Charlie Pattinson and Christine Healy for New Pictures.

The limited series premiered on HBO on Monday, Oct. 21


Client: Sky/HBO

Design Studio: Elastic

Creative Director: Lisa Bolan

Designers: Carlo Sa, Kaya Thomas, Lynn Cho, Min Shi

Animators: Carlo Sa, Jon Fitz, John Dougherty, Yongsub Song, Jim Pierce

3D Artists: Ariana Ziae-Mohseni, Aemilia Mariani Widodo

Modeling: Mike Dupree

Rigging: Colton Smrz

Editor: Rachel Fowler

Producer: Michael Ross

Pitch Producer: Meredith Cherniack

Executive Producer: Luke Colson

Head of Production: Kate Berry

Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall​

Tags: catherine the great elastic hbo hot spots main titles

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