PromaxBDA: The Conference 2013 Playlists
Aporva Baxi
Co-Founder and Executive Creative Director
Horror Stories: Nightmare Campaigns and How They Were Turned Around: Failing towards success can translate into the most innovative and fresh work. Airing the dirty laundry is a brave approach to understanding how we can all turn the ship around.
Managing Brand Ecosystems in a Transmedia World: A Roundtable Discussion: It’s an ongoing debate and ultimately brands that stay agile and are contextually relevant and engaging can lead. But it’s more than a product. It’s a cultural mindset within the organization.
State of Design: There is so much great design internationally. It’s nice to get a beautifully curated round up of the very best.
Shaken, Not Stirred: 50 Years of Bond: As Bond reinvents himself, it’s great to look back on how that transformation has been reflected through the iconic language of the titles.
The Disrupters: Technologies Changing our Business: Understanding new technology is key. What’s more important is how to transform them into engaging experiences that matter.
The PromaxBDA Lifetime Achievement Award: This will be packed, but I’m going to fight my way into this celebration of a visionary producer.
John Young
VP of Marketing, Customer Engagement
The 2013 Top Insights You Need to Know… Or Perish: I keep missing this session, and I always regret it (though, in truth, I have yet to perish). There’s always buzz about this fantastic session from the PromaxBDA Research Committee.
State of Our Art: Name another 60 minutes in your professional life causing you to burst into laughter, cry in the dark with strangers and think deeply… all while inspiring you to be better at your job. Plus, Niels Schuurmans as emcee!
Shaken, Not Stirred: 50 Years of Bond: Wait, my job includes watching the James Bond opening titles? I am so in.
Measuring the Binge Viewer: Fad or Future? I’m still pitching to be ON this damn panel, not just an attendee. But either way, this a big topic as more viewers expect content any time, anywhere.
Greatest Integrated Campaigns of the Year: Anyone can buy matching luggage. If you’re ready, move beyond simple look-and-feel consistency, check out this showcase of campaign ideas that made each tactic more powerful.