Pilot season can be a torturous sprint to May for anyone trying to get a series order.

Finding that secret sauce of the right cast, crew, and story can be stressful enough to push even the most battle-hardened TV veteran over the edge.

So while the marketing and promo world awaits the final word on series pickups—and their own mad dash to upfronts that follows—some of the pilot season pros shared their tips for keeping their sanity intact with The Hollywood Reporter.

-The early bird gets the worm: Several pilot season veterans pointed out the benefits to a head start. With a finite number of directors, casting pros, and crew—not to mention desirable talent—those that get their roster locked in early get first dibs on the all-stars.

-Exude confidence: With everyone stressing out, producer Bill Lawrence told the magazine that the show runner has to project an aura of calm, even if everything is actually a mess.

-Embrace the wisdom of Kenny Rogers: You gotta know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em. Forever’s Matt Miller told THR about the importance of holding out for just the right star in Ioan Gruffudd, even as the clock was ticking down. At the same time, producer Darryl Frank says sometimes you have to recognize that you just haven’t found the magic this time around. With so much competition, he told the magazine, sometimes you just have to throw in the towel.

Read More: The Hollywood Reporter

Brief Take: Pilot season can be a head-scratcher for those observing from the sidelines, but there is a method to the madness. Get it right in the pilot (we’re looking at you, Empire) and the job of marketing the show becomes that much easier down the road.


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