Season three of HBO’s True Detective returns to its roots, telling a story that takes place in the small-town South after season two existed in the grimy urban sprawl of Southern California. Oscar-winner Mahershala Ali plays detective Wayne Hays, who was a long-range reconnaissance patrol walker in Vietnam, across three timelines.

As a result, creative director Patrick Clair also takes this season’s main-title sequence closer to home, harking back to season one’s innovative opening sequence, which turned Clair into a sensation and won him an Emmy.

Clair’s opening titles for season two, starring Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughan and Rachel McAdams, had a similar feel but the series had a much more urban theme.

Season three of True Detective premiered Sunday, Jan. 13, on HBO.


Client: HBO

Agency: Antibody

Director: Patrick Clair

Creative Director: Raoul Marks

Managing Partner: Bridget Walsh

Executive Producer: Carol Salek

Agency: Mill+

Executive Producer: Elizabeth Newman

Producer: Moira Mahoney

Editor: Victor Jory

Lead Motion Designers: Woosung Kang & Kyle Moore

Design: Sasha Vinogradova

Animation: Justin Sucara

Colour: The Mill

Colourist: Matthew Osborne

Colour Producer: Liza Kerlin

Music Supervisor: T Bone Burnett

Music: “Death Letter” written by Son House, performed by Cassandra Wilson

Tags: hbo hot spots mahershala ali main titles patrick clair true detective

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