Trapped inside the school, students continue to battle mutants after a nearby chemical plant explosion in Hulu’s Freakish, described as The Breakfast Club meets The Walking Dead.
In season two, a new group of survivors arrives. According to Hulu, “friendships will be lost, enemies made, and ventures outside into the dangerous unknown will present life and death stakes for the students.”
Freakish stars Liza Koshy, Meghan Rienks, Amanda Steele, Niki DeMartino, Leo Howard (Kickin’ It), Brant Daugherty (Pretty Little Liars) and Jordan Calloway (Riverdale).
The show is created by Beth Szymkowski who serves as executive producer alongside Shelley Zimmerman, Chris Grismer, Kay Reindl, Erin Maher, Brian Robbins, Joe Davola, and Brett Bouttier. Freakish is produced by AwesomenessTV.
Season two premieres October 18 on Hulu.
Agency - Hulu Creative
VFX – Gloria FX
Music – SWMRS
Writer & Producer – Andrew Borin
Director – Chris Ewing
DP – Vinny Pereira
Production Manager – Zuriht Serna
Production Coordinator – Rachel Barrera
Prop Fabrication – Ryan Leegate
RELATED: Students Take on Mutants in ‘Freakish’ Trailer