The networks may have finally found a way to make more money out of video-on-demand apps and platforms.

Variety reported Thursday that several broadcast nets are rolling out dynamic ad insertion technology for sponsors that would allow them to swap out old promos and replace them with fresh advertising.

In the past, advertisers had to grin and bare it when viewers saw stale, old promos and ads played during VOD episodes. Up to this point, the available technology had required networks to preload advertising into VOD platforms.

Fox is set to begin offering the swap-out option to advertisers in 2014, Variety reported. NBCUni already has given them that option, and CBS told the trade that it is headed in that direction.

Why is it so important to swap out older ads? Right now, networks only get paid based on the viewers who see an ad within three day’s of an episode’s airing—the theory being anything older than that is stale.

Read more: Variety

Brief Take: If it works, dynamic ad insertion could finally resolve one of the biggest questions looming over the TV industry right now: can you make significant money off VOD?


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