At 2:28 p.m. on August 28, 2003, a man walked into a bank with a bomb locked around his neck.
Netflix’s four-part documentary series Evil Genius: The True Story of America’s Most Diabolical Bank Heist explores what became known as the infamous “pizza bomber” criminal case.
The plot revolves around a pizza delivery man who walked into a bank in Erie, Penn., with a bomb around his neck and a homemade shotgun, claiming to be robbing the bank as a hostage. The conspirators led the FBI on a scavenger hunt as the bomb exploded, killing the pizza guy and would-be robber, and sparking a strange, convoluted investigation.
The four-part series investigates the robbery gone wrong, the terrifying public murder that captured the nation’s attention, and a bizarre collection of Midwestern hoarders, outcasts, and lawbreakers that play cat-and-mouse with the FBI.
Eventually, a middle-aged mastermind named Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong — once a town beauty, now a woman grappling with mental illness — is arrested. But 15 years later, Evil Genius proves there’s more to the conspiracy and murders than was ever thought, Netflix says.
Evil Genius is executive produced by the Duplass brothers (Wild Wild Country), and director by Barbara Schroeder.
It premieres May 11 on Netflix.
Tags: netflix