Daily Brief by PromaxBDA has partnered with B&C and iSpot.tv on weekly chart Promo Mojo, which offers data revealing the top-five TV promos ranked by TV ad impressions. These are the shows networks have been promoting most heavily to drive tune-in. This week’s data covers the 7-day period through Nov. 20.

Mars, the six-part miniseries that debuted Nov. 14, continues to get a huge promo push from National Geographic. The 244.7 million TV ad impressions it racked up during the seven days measured was enough to rank it in the top spot again, though the total’s way down from its record-breaking 1 billion in last week’s ranking.

RELATED: National Geographic Channel Gave Its ‘Mars’ Promo Nearly 1 Billion Ad Impressions in Just One Week

Meanwhile, the rest of the top five was again dominated by cable, with TBS’ Search Party, TNT’s Good Behavior and USA’s Shooter returning to the list. TLC’s Sister Wives was the week’s sole new entry at No. 3 with 148.9 million TV ad impressions.

1) Mars, National Geographic Channel

Mars, National Geographic Channel
Impressions: 244,687,276
Imp. Types: National 70%, Local 19%, VOD/OTT 11%
Avg. View Rate: 81.39%
In-network Value: $1,384,971
Out-of-network Est. Spend: $346,142

2) Search Party, TBS

Search Party, TBS
Impressions: 163,716,740
Imp. Types: National 89%, Local 6%, VOD/OTT 5%
Avg. View Rate: 77.40%
In-network Value: $1,348,393
Out-of-network Est. Spend: $258,557

3) Sister Wives, TLC Channel

Sister Wives, TLC Channel
Impressions: 148,874,364
Imp. Types: National 95%, Local 4%, VOD/OTT 1%
Avg. View Rate: 81.67%
In-network Value: $744,492
Out-of-network Est. Spend: $75,012

4) Good Behavior, TNT

Good Behavior, TNT
Impressions: 135,334,634
Imp. Types: National 75%, Local 18%, VOD/OTT 7%
Avg. View Rate: 87.55%
In-network Value: $1,567,882
Out-of-network Est. Spend: $251,089

5) Shooter, USA Network

Shooter, USA Network
Impressions: 134,055,276
Imp. Types: National 90%, Local 4%, VOD/OTT 6%
Avg. View Rate: 93.60%
In-network Value: $1,500,017
Out-of-network Est. Spend: $139,569

Data provided by iSpot.tv, Real-time Advertising Metrics

Impressions - The total impressions within all US households including National Linear (Live & Time-shifted), VOD+OTT, and Local.
Imp. Types - Impression types tracked include National (Live + Time-shifted), Local, VOD & OTT. See below for further details.
Avg. View Rate - The average view rate across all views of a promo. The average view rate is only calculated on impressions that are viewed from the beginning of the promo.
In-network Value - Estimated media value of in-network promos.
Out-of-network Spend - The estimated amount spent on TV airing time for this promo’s spots during a given date range.
National: Live - A national promo which was viewed during live linear television broadcast or same day, via DVR or on-demand.
National: 3 Day Time-shifted - A national promo which was viewed on delay, via DVR or on demand up to 3-days after the original broadcast.
National: 4-7 Day Time-shifted - A national promo which was viewed via DVR between 4 & 7 days after the original broadcast.
National: 8+ Day Time-shifted - A national promo which was viewed via DVR 8 days or more after the original broadcast.
Local - A promo that was aired during a local ad break slot.
VOD - This includes promos that run in on-demand content past three days (i.e. do not contain the linear promo load)
OTT - On-demand streaming content (i.e. Hulu, Roku, Fire TV Stick, Chromecast).


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