In just over a month, the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) will again host Media Literacy Week from Monday, Oct. 31 through Friday, Nov. 4. Organizations around the country will offer panels, sessions and workshops designed to elevate media literacy across the country.
Media literacy is increasingly important in the digital age, in which media is bombarding everyone all the time over all sorts of devices. How best to communicate and react to this media requires critical thinking skills, according to NAMLE.
“It is vital in today’s participatory culture for learners of all ages to understand how to access, analyze, evaluate, communicate, and create all forms of media especially in the midst of the presidential election season,” said NAMLE Executive Director Michelle Ciulla Lipkin in a statement. “It is the mission of this year’s Media Literacy Week to shine a spotlight on the power of media literacy education and its vital role in education today.”
The week will kick off on Friday, Oct. 28, at the Digital Citizenship Summit at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco. Panels and presentations will highlight themes of citizenship, literacy and advocacy and address the question, “how can we be the digital change?” People can attend in person or watch the livestream.
Media Literacy Week partners are working with NAMLE to execute participatory events across the nation during the week, including classroom lessons, live webinars, Twitter chats, screenings PSAs and more. Participants can join the conversation on social media using hashtag #MediaLitWk.
“The importance of media literacy is continuing to rise, especially given the increasing influence of mobile technologies, live streaming platforms and accelerated influx of tech use in the classroom,“ said NAMLE Board Member, Lynette Owens, and Global Director, Internet Safety for Kids & Families Program, Trend Micro, in a statement. “For these reasons and more, Trend Micro is thrilled to be a proactive participant with NAMLE in helping kids be safer and more responsible digital citizens during Media Literacy Week in the United States and beyond.”
Beyond Trend Micro, Twitter and Nickelodeon as sponsors, other partners with NAMLE in the effort include PBS’ POV, BEA, USC Annenberg Innovation Lab, and CyberWise.
PromaxBDA and Daily Brief, in partnership with NAMLE, will offer more content during Media Literacy Week to amplify these efforts.