Things start coming into focus in season two of Apple TV Plus’ post-apocalyptic drama See. In the show—starring Jason Momoa, Dave Bautista and Alfre Woodward—mankind has been afflicted by blindness for hundreds of years and the ability to see is just returning.

The show changed up its main titles in season two, reflecting the journeys the characters will take as they visit new cities and meet new people—most of them very dangerous.

The sequence is directed, designed and animated by John Likens and produced at Method Studios in Los Angeles.

READ MORE: Stash Media


Client: Apple TV Plus

Production Company: Method Studios

Director, Designer, Animator: John Likens

Art Director / FX Artist: Danil Krivoruchko

VFX Supervisor: Gong Myung Lee

FX Supervisor: Tomas Slancik

CG Supervisor: Brian Dinoto

CG / FX Artists: David Derwin, Tomas Zaveckas, Kevin Gillen, Jeongyeon Son, Claire Yawen Chang

Compositors: Rodrigo De La Parra, Michael Glenn

Executive Producer: Adrienne Mitchell

Senior Design Producer: Emily Schaeberle

Design Coordinator: Natalia Zsholobchuk

Original Theme Music: Bear McCreary

Tags: apple tv plus hot spots john likens main titles method studios see

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