The “Ohhh fudge” debacle; the tongue-on-pole triple dog dare; the leg lamp; the decoder pin; being way too bundled up.

Rockford, Ill. stations WTVO and WQRF recreated those classic moments from A Christmas Story with a special newsroom twist in a series of fun promos for the holidays.

Creative Services Director Shawn Anderson shared them with a note that read:

“Tired of the stale ‘HOLIDAY MEMORY’ spots that EVERY station puts on the air this time of year?

We are too.

I wanted to share with you the holidays spots we did here in Rockford.

Aaron Rice, (the stations’ promotion manager), did a fantastic job with coming up with an idea and ran with it. And the best part? All the anchors were completely on board as well.”

Check out the promos below:



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