Another busy week has come and gone. Here are a few key stories to check out before you head off for the weekend.
Fox Sports Hopes to Woo Viewers with Daytona Marketing Strategy
First step: Recruit fan-favorite Jeff Gordon.

Take Five: Peter Mattei on WGN America’s new series, Outsiders
In which Mattei establishes that writing about survivalists does not endow you with similar skills.

Brand Refresh: Brazil’s Telecine
“Broadcasters need comprehensive communication solutions that can work across different media,” says Tosto. “The major new issue here is how to create pieces of brand communication that work across online platforms, elevators and shopping malls alike.”

And another Brand Refresh, this time for NBCUniversal’s SyFy
Working with creative studio Sibling Rivalry, Syfy launched itself into 2016 with an overhauled on-air look and feel, from brand packaging to sound design to the communication of navigational information within promos and programming.

Finally, we leave you with one of our favorite Hot Spots from the week: 2C Creative’s launch promo for season 7 of Spike’s Ink Masters: