Super Bowl Ads are such an enormous enterprise they could practically make up a network in and of themselves, or at least a dedicated online repository.
And now, thanks to Hulu, they do.
Realizing, according to its blog, that “the best part of the game takes place off the field and in your living room during the commercial breaks,” the company launched Hulu AdZone on Thursday. Presented by Toyota, AdZone has started by offering such classic Super Bowl ads as Apple’s “1984,” McDonald’s Bird vs. Jordan burger shoot-out, and many more, but is headed toward ultimately streaming the new ads from Super Bowl XLVIII on February 2. Hulu is forgoing an app for AdZone, but optimizing the service to be easily accessible from any mobile device via Viewers will also be able to vote on their favorite ads during the game, with Hulu crowning one of the ads most popular following the final whistle.
Hulu even intends to stream “new teasers and preview ads that are released in advance of the game” in the coming weeks, stated the blog. And, if ads previewing upcoming Super Bowl ads aren’t enough meta-fun for you, Hulu has also released a series of promos advertising AdZone’s service… which offers advertisements of… upcoming Super Bowl advertisements.
Featuring a quirky cast of characters “auditioning” for Hulu AdZone, the promos don’t make entirely clear what is at stake in the casting process. Is the above “actor” vying to be a chip in a commercial from upcoming Super Bowl XLVIII? Wouldn’t he be auditioning for, well, the chip company? Or are these vignettes bits of bonus footage from the making-of THIS more elaborate promo that offers a funny send-up to Super Bowl ads in general?
It’s all a bit confusing, but what’s important is that Hulu is streamlining the most popular part of the Super Bowl in real time this year, priming itself to receive Super-sized traffic come February 2.