“If it doesn’t fit your brand, don’t do it.”

That’s the mantra of Justin Walton, promotions manager at ABC affiliate KRDO Colorado Springs and the latest in MagidMarketingWorks’ series of video interviews.

“Your brand is the most important aspect of your job,” Walton says. “Make sure the things you are doing to the best of your ability are matching your band and that nothing breaks the tone of leadership that you are setting for your stations.

“The best that can happen is it will confuse your audience but worst that can happen is that it will damage your credibility with your audience.”

Walton’s team also embeds a promotions producer in the station’s editorial meetings, and produces promos straight out of those meetings.

“After the 2 p.m. editorial meeting, the promotions producer now produces a topical promo for the 6 p.m. newscast, which has been really beneficial in keeping us on top of our day-to-day production of promos to make sure we are the best we can be.”

Learn more at MagidMarketingWorks.


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