Corporate tools Matt (Matt Ingebretson) and Jake (Jake Weisman), with whom we feel some sympathy, drone on doing their work for heartless corporation Hampton DeVille through asbestos cleaning, screaming fire alarms, in-office sprinkler system showers and extremely dramatic conference calls.
Fire Alarm
Conference Call
The series returns for season two on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 10:30/9:30 pm c.
Network, Production Company: Comedy Central
EVP, Marketing & Creative: Josh Line
SVP, Brand Creative: Vedia Ayvaz
VP, Creative Director: Matthew Silvestri
Creative Director: Vinny Lopez
VP, Design: Chris Scarlata
Motion Design: Jennifer Unger
SVP, Production & Operations: Debbie Beiter
Director, Project Management: Laura Johnson
Tags: comedy central corporate hot spots