Homer Simpson faces the consequences of not voting in The Simpsons’ cold open for its 31st annual “Treehouse of Horror,” which airs Sunday, Nov. 1, at 8/7 c, just in time for the election on Tuesday.

In the open, Marge is in line to vote while Homer is home napping on his hammock. Marge calls him and tells him to get down to the polling place right now.

“I know who I want for all the judges and propositions, but president, that’s a stumper. Can I write in Judge Judy?” Homer says when he gets into the voting booth. But Lisa quickly jumps in and reminds him of everything that’s happened in the last four years and Homer casts his vote.

Unfortunately, when Marge gets home, she finds Homer still napping. It was all a dream. “How bad could it be?” Homer asks when she wakes him up.

Apparently, very bad. “That’s what I get for voting for Kanye,” says one misfortune citizen as society crumbles around him.

The Simpsons opens Animation Domination on Fox on Sunday, Nov. 1, which includes Bless the Harts, Bob’s Burgers and Family Guy. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 3.

Tags: election 2020 fox the simpsons

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