To promote its Tuesday and Friday late-night block of classic Archer episodes, Archer Nocturnal Missions, FXX approached creative production studio Lord Danger for a sixty-second “remix” music video-style promo. With the show’s footage and a list of restrictions — which practically nixed most of season five — Lord Danger immersed themselves into everything Archer to create a music track that perfectly accompanies some of the show’s signature moments, quips and memes.


Network: FX Networks

President, Creative, Strategy and Multi-Platform Marketing: Stephanie Gibbons

EVP, Content and Editorial: Carol Weiler

SVP, Content and Editorial: Ethan Adelman

VP, Content and Editorial: Tom Cropper

Senior Writer/Producer: Siobhan Price

Creative Production Studio: Lord Danger

EP: Josh Shadid

Creative Director: Mike Diva

Producer: Marissa Alanis

Animation and Design: Dylan Locke

Music Composition: David Dahlquist & Mike Diva

Editor: Dan Packer

Vocal Artist: Brandon Baumann

Tags: archer fxx hot spots lord danger

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