​Sterling Archer is a master spy who faces danger at every turn, but he would never go into a mission without a proper suit or a hair out of place.

And so in honor of FX’s favorite reconnaissance agent, New York fans will be treated to barbers and show-shiners on Jan. 9-10 as part of the show’s “Debonair Repair” promotional stunt. A branded truck will travel around the city offering its services as well as swag like Archer’s favorite piece of clothing the “tactleneck” (seen below).

“Archer’s” Season 5 debuts Jan. 13 on FX.

Brief Take: Diehard fans of “Archer” are especially tuned in to the lifestyle of the agent as well as his easily delivered one-liners. Encouraging them to get out and support the show through a branded effort such as this helps to keep them as loyal fans for the upcoming season.

[Image courtesy of FX]


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