An eerie lack of movement characterizes nearly every frame of Imaginary Forces’ opening sequence for new Apple TV Plus series Invasion.

In the show, major global cities stand empty and destroyed after an alien force arrives on Earth, looking to conquer humanity.

RELATED: Aliens Come to Earth in Apple TV Plus’ ‘Invasion’

Invasion premiered Friday, Oct. 22 on Apple TV Plus.


Client: AppleTV Plus

Production: Imaginary Forces

Creative Director: Tosh Kodama

Head of Production: Ryan Burcham

Producer: Keith Bryant

Compositor: Matt Johnson

Animator: Henry Chang, Max Strizich, Eric Demeusy, Jason Dunn, Jens Mebes, Ivan Cruz

Editor: Lexi Gunvaldson

Flame Artist: Lin Wilde

Intern: Cathy Xiao

Coordinator: Megan Catoe

Tags: apple tv plus hot spots imaginary forces invasion main titles

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