It’s no problem when Travel Channel’s Josh Gates, star of Expedition Unknown, and his crew find themselves up a creek—or the Amazon River—without a paddle (or with a paddle that has a lot of bites out of it). Gates can still watch his show on his mobile device, thanks to Dish Network’s app.

How that actually helps his stranded crew is unclear, however.


Co-Owner / Producer, Jonas & Co: Hema Mulchandani

Co-Owner / Creative Director, Jonas & Co: Jonas Morganstein

Director, Jonas & Co: Tim Roper

Producer, Jonas & Co: Sarah Faura

Vice President, Customer Marketing and Retention, Dish: Kevin Covell

Director, Existing Customer Communications, Dish: Kara Stegman

Marketing Manager, Customer Retention, Dish: Jonathan Miller

Marketing Specialist, Customer Retention, Dish: Matt Chaffin

Marketing Lead, Customer Retention, Dish: Mitch Kahl

SVP Content Distribution, Scripps: Brent Scott

Vice President, Content Distribution, Scripps: Jonathan Palmer

Director, Integrated Marketing, Scripps: Craig Bates

Manager, Integrated Partnership Marketing, Scripps: Kelly Cremins

VP, Brand Creative, Travel Channel: Trish Scanlon

Creative Director, Brand Creative, Travel Channel: Erin Higgins


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