Weeks after announcing the broadcaster will partner with Rentrak for demographic data, CBS is now teaming up with ratings giant Nielsen to measure video platforms as well.

The new pact will study how CBS viewers watch its content across video platforms and mobile devices, including behavioral studies and defining the most popular alternative to on-air CBS viewing.

“Throughout the last several years CBS and Nielsen have collaborated on a number of major research initiatives designed to improve the state of audience measurement and media evaluation,” said David F. Poltrack, CBS Corporation’s chief research officer. “These initiatives have been successful in advancing analytics for traditional media, developing audience measures to encompass the new media alternatives, and integrating these two objectives into a comprehensive cross-platform measurement system. However, these challenges are not effectively addressed by short-term solutions, but require well-planned long-term programs.”

Read more at Variety.

Brief Take: Leading into upfront season, CBS is taking advantage of any measurement method at its disposal to heighten its broadcast brand and further define its broad audience.

[Image courtesy of CBS]


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