“Every time I think it can’t get more extraordinary, it surprises me. It’s impossible, I hate it, it’s evil, it’s astonishing,” says Peter’s Capaldi’s Dr. Who in the new season-nine trailer released Thursday. “I want to kiss it to death.”

We don’t know what “it” is, but we can start finding out when season nine premieres Sept. 19. Capaldi is making his first appearance as Dr. Who at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con.

“Soaring through all of time and space, series nine sees the Doctor throw himself into life with a new hunger for adventure,” said Capaldi in a statement. “The Cosmos is there for the taking, thrilling, epic and enticing, and his to play in. But he’s almost reckless in his abandon. It’s almost like he’s running from something, something that if it ever catches him will turn his life upside down.”

And much like the end of an Avengers movie, a special surprise awaits Game of Thrones’ fans at the end.


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