With a press release headlined “Yeah Bitch!”, AMC announced Tuesday that it was turning over its Sunday nights later this summer to its critically-acclaimed and recently departed hit “Breaking Bad” so fans can binge on the series from beginning to end.
Beginning Aug. 10 and running through Oct. 5, the series will air in order on Sunday nights from 5pm-1am ET/PT.
The episodes will also feature never-before-seen interviews with cast and crew, and other behind-the-scenes features.
AMC plans to capitalize on the ongoing social media buzz surrounding the series by creating new custom digital assets for fans to use on their various networks.
And the channel has entered into a partnership with Facebook to analyze the six years of posts and likes about the series to demonstrate how it grew in popularity—and continues to attract more than 10 million fans to its page.
AMC also has created a new “Companion” for each Sunday that contains 40-50 pieces of new content.
With 10 million Facebook fans—and more joining the community all the time—AMC is hoping that the new binge event and renewed content push will continue to cultivate fans for years after the series has left the air.