Inspired by graphic novels and retro Kung-Fu posters, MethodMade created these animated main titles for Cinemax’s new series, Warrior, drawn from the writings of martial-arts legend Bruce Lee.

The series is set in Chinatown in rough-and-tumble 19th century San Francisco. It follows young martial-arts prodigy Ah Sahm, a Chinese immigrant working as a hatchet man for one of the neighborhood’s most powerful bosses, known as Tongs.

MethodMade, which is part of Los Angeles-based Method Studios, worked closely with Warrior creator and executive producer Jonathan Tropper to come up with the unique visual approach, incorporating both still photography from the set and motion-capture footage of working martial artists. MethodMade also brought in designer Arisu Kashiwagi to further develop and execute the final sequence. The style was ultimately applied to the network’s promotional campaign for the series.

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Client: Cinemax

Production: MethodMade

Creative Director: John Likens

Lead Designer: Arisu Kashiwagi

Art Director: Arisu Kashiwagi, Wesley Ebelhar

Design/animation: John Likens, Wesley Ebelhar, Nan Wei

CG Artists: Jeongyeon Son, David Derwin

Executive Producer: Adrienne Mitchell

Producer: Emily Schaeberle

Coordinator: Billy McMillen

Music: Reza Safina, H. Scott Salinas

Tags: cinemax hot spots main titles methodmade the warrior

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