In 2019, Promax had another banner year of showcasing the finest entertainment marketing across the globe, and each time the association hosted a conference, the talented members of our community stepped in to help.

Below are each of the conference opens from this year’s stops in Amsterdam, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Buenos Aires and São Paulo created by our gifted partners Vizart, Loyalkaspar and Don Porfirio.

​Promax Europe 2019—Amsterdam


Agency: Vizart

Concept Design, Modeling, Animation, Compositing: Alexander Romashko

Head of Motion Design; Art Direction, Design, Compositing: Dmitry Glushchenko

Supervision: Alexey Navrotsky

Sound Producer, Composer, Sound Design: George Taradaykin

Sound Mix: Sergey Varlamov

Edit: Alexey Ershov

Design, Animation: Andrew Filippov

Design, Render: Ivan Zubko

Design, Compositing: Vladimir Kabanov

Design, Compositing: Vyatcheslav Pogorelov

Design, Modeling, Animation: Sergey Barinov

Design, Compositing: Alexey Spazhakin

Print: Katerina Kadasheva

PR, SMM: Anastasia Sizova

Project Manager: Patricia Mumladze

Project Manager: Ruslan Dorovskiy

Project Manager: Marina Antipova

Executive Producer: Oleg Troyanovsky

Executive Producer: Marina Glushchenko

Promax Games 2019—San Francisco


Agency: Loyalkaspar

Promax Conference 2019—Los Angeles


Agency: Loyalkaspar

RELATED: How Loyalkaspar Created Promax’s Shiny New Rebrand

Promax Latino 2019—Miami, Sao Paolo, Buenos Aires

RELATED: Mexico’s Don Porfirio Brands Promax ‘Latino-Style’


Production: Don Porfirio

Creative Director: Roberto Puig, Marco Gutiérrez

Producer: Perla Atanacio

Team Leader: Marco Gutiérrez

Storyboards: Misael Méndez

Art and Design: Misael Méndez, Daniel Corzo, Ana Chavana

3D Modeling: Greck Flores, Emiliano Meléndrez, Alberto Pesina, David Vázquez, Leo del Moral, Isaac Fregoso

3D Animation: Greck Flores, David Vázquez, Emiliano Meléndrez, Leo del Moral, Isaac Fragoso, Alberto Pesina

Texturing: Emiliano Meléndrez, Greck Flores, Isaac Fragoso, David Vázquez, Alberto Pesina, Ara Ranii

Lighting + Rendering: Greck Flores, Emiliano Meléndrez, Isaac Fragoso, David Vázquez, Alberto Pesina, Ara Ranii

FX: Emiliano Meléndrez

Motion Graphics: Bernardo Torres

Compositing: Marco Gutiérrez, Andrew Ceballos

Sound Design: Ricardo Covarrubias

Music: Videohelper

Tags: 12 days of promax conference 2019 don porfirio loyalkaspar promax europe 2019 promax games 2019 promax latino 2019

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