As the 2016 Rio Olympics flooded Brazilian screens, marking the first time the Games were hosted in South America and on Latin American and Spanish networks—both free-to-air and paid television channels—flexed their creative muscles to promote one of the most anticipated events of the year.

Some pieces focused on the sheer challenge of the Games:

1. Panama’s TVMAX Deportes

Other pieces were built around slogans that promoted the sense of belonging to the channel, such as Columbian network RCN’s “No somos uno, somos todos” (“We are not one, we are all”), DirecTV’s “Jamás imaginaste ver Rio 2016 así” (“You’ve never imagined seeing Rio 2016 like this”), Fox Sports’ “Más grande en Fox Sports” (“Greater on Fox Sports”) and ESPN Latinoamérica’s “Más cerca de la ilusión, más cerca de la sorpresa, más cerca del podio, ESPN, más cerca de los Juegos Olímpicos” (“Closer to hope, closer to surprise, closer to the podium, ESPN, closer to the Olympics”).

Networks also played up their social presence. RCN Colombia created hashtags to emphasize the aspirations of the games, such as #YoCreo (#IBelieve). And ESPN Latinoamérica used a creative play on words: #YoRioporESPN (The word “rio” in Spanish also means “I laugh,” so the hashtag is: #ILaugh/RioThroughESPN).

2. Colombia’s RCN

3. DirecTV Latin America

4. FOX Sports Latinoamérica

5. ESPN Latinoamérica

Other promos linked sports to the value of dreaming, such as TVN Chile’s “Soy fiel al compromiso, soy quien corre, soy el salto, el disparo, la brazada que me acerca a un mundo nuevo, yo soy tú y juntos cambiamos el mundo” (“I’m faithful to the commitment, I am the sprint, the vault, the shot, the paddle that leads me to a new world.” Along these same lines is RTVE’s “Solo el que lo lleva dentro se atreve a cumplir sus sueños. Siente el espíritu olímpico” (“Only those who have it in them dare to fulfill their dreams.”)

6. TVN Chile

7. RTVE Radio Televisión Española

Other channels opted for more conceptual narrations, such as TyC Sports Argentina’s “Preguntate todo. Menos por dónde lo vas a ver” (“Ask yourself anything. Except where you’ll watch it”).

8. TyC Sports Argentina

Some presented fun facts of the Games, like Mexican channel canal 22’s “Rumbo a Río” (“Heading to Rio”) which takes an educational approach.

9. Canal 22 México

Last but not least, other channels focused on the design details of the coverage, which made for thrilling and groundbreaking broadcasts that captured new records and the limitless boundaries of the human being.

10. Claro Sports

Overall, the campaigns captured stories of self-improvement, overcoming challenges and perseverance, while captivating Latin American viewers.

RELATED: 10 Spots Producidos en Latinomamérica para los Juegos Olímpicos que Merecen el Oro (Versión Español)


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