YouTube’s famous year-end “Rewind” videos have become content that people love to hate.
Last year’s version was the video portal’s most-hated video of the year with 17 million dislikes. This year’s—with 1.2 million likes and 2.4 million dislikes—also doesn’t seem to be thrilling fans but it’s doing much better than its year-older sibling.
For this year’s video, YouTube culled through its stats to list top performers among the following categories: most-liked creator videos, most-liked music videos, most-liked dance videos, most-viewed video games, most-liked beauty videos, break-out new creators and most-viewed creators, where, once again, PewDiePie (who also got married this year) led the list with 4 billion views.
While this year’s video is getting criticized as “lazy” and “boring,” others are saying it’s possibly the most diverse YouTube Rewind ever, with YouTube intentionally emphasizing successful creators from around the world.
The video is accompanied by artists such as Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish.
READ MORE: Fast Company, Business Insider